Paul Sjolin of The Battersbox sells Vintage Sports Cards on their own website, eBay, and Amazon. Their inventory is massive and they sell a lot of cards! Their total inventory online can range from 150,000 to 250,000 cards at any time.

Paul was originally referred to us by one of our clients, as well as Amazon in 2015. For the first two years we managed their smaller eBay store, Cookie Monster.But in 2017 Paul came to us wanting to bring his entire eBay inventory for his main account into an online store.
Not just any online store, but one that handled the display of vintage sports cards by grouping individual cards together in one listing.

This was our DREAM project! We knew exactly what Paul wanted, and had been thinking about doing something like this for 10 years! We began work right away, and 4 months later the new Battersbox online store launched just before Christmas of 2017. The new store was well received by their customers, and hundreds or orders were received in the first day alone.

This custom project also included integration with, and an automatic inventory listing system that allows Paul to upload their custom excel spreadsheet. The custom upload loads the inventory into the online store, configures and Posts eBay Listings, and Amazon as well. This allowed Paul to retire his custom Access/File Exchange system to load eBay listings which frankly was a lot more work.